Loverslab fallout 4 review
Loverslab fallout 4 review

Where Fallout : New Vegas was a great game it was also deeply lacking what Bethesda knows best, WORLD BUILDING. And this is on the technical side, meanwhile, on the art direction Fallout 4 is a delight for the eyes. It is a visually decent looking game with some nice effects like volumetric lightning. No, Fallout 4 is not a bad looking game but it is not a very good looking game either. But others, just plain **** First off, the graphics. I can totally understand that some people don't like the game and from the negatives reviews i have read some of them makes total sense and are completely understandable. I can totally understand that some people I'm doing this review cause i can't accept and believe Fallout 4 is getting a 5.3 score from users. I'm doing this review cause i can't accept and believe Fallout 4 is getting a 5.3 score from users.

Loverslab fallout 4 review